Monday, June 15, 2015

Would You Rather?

10 points if you have ever heard of this movie. 20 if you've actually seen it. I found this movie hidden in Netflix and decided to check it out. I was just mostly interested in Brittany Snow because I love her in different roles. I think she is an underrated versatile actress. So, this movie is about a girl (Snow) who agrees to a dinner party where a game is to take place with other guests. If she wins the game then she gets the money and bone marrow that her brother is in desperate need of. You can guess from the title that the game is would you rather and players are
eliminated each round. And by eliminated I mean killed. It's a very intense game. I will say that I read the synopsis of the movie on wikipedia before I watched it. I do this a lot when I find a movie that has potential and want to decide if it's worth watching or not. Because I read the synopsis, I knew exactly what happened and how it ended. That was okay for me. I ended up watching it anyway and I liked it. As always, there are spoilers ahead.
Let's start with plot and characters. As I said before, Brittany Snow was really good. Throughout the movie she has to be upset and she held it the whole time. She wasn't too annoying with it either which is rarely done. There are only a couple cringe worthy moments. The best one was a guy that sliced his eye with a razor blade. Don't worry, you don't actually see this. Even though, showing an eye sliced by a razor was done in an early 1929 silent film but that's a different conversation. It's not necessarily gory but I would consider it to have a fair amount of violence. I actually think there was room for more blood and guts but it was tastefully done and I respect that. I actually expected more blood but it was really glossed over. Brittany Snow's character wins the deadly game (surprise!). What was a surprise was the ending. I wouldn't necessarily call it a twist but it was definitely interesting. It was part of what made this seemingly corny movie an actual good movie. I'm not going to reveal what it was because you should just take some time to watch it but damn, it was good. Of course the normal topics with these kind of movies comes up. Like, how far would you go for the people you love and how should you treat other people. The acting overall wasn't the best ever but it worked.
Now to technicals. The best subtle thing about the movie was the coloring. It had a slight yellow, sickly feel to it which really went well with the action of the movie. It wasn't very noticeable though. Like I said, subtle. There were also some good camera angles and shots that I appreciated. Overall, this was a better movie than what I expected it to be and it has its merits. I love finding little gems on Netflix. Not all "horror" movies are the same and play to certain stereotypes. Some times they surprise you. Go watch it.
So now comment below and let me know your thoughts. Any thoughts. I'm not particular.

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